Coffee Cup

Get Your Caffeine Fix in a Reusable Coffee Cup

Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. Oz, as it is fondly nicked-named, is known for its unique topography and biodiversity. Many people flock to the Land Down Under

Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. Oz, as it is fondly nicked-named, is known for its unique topography and biodiversity. Many people flock to the Land Down Under to experience this for themselves. Australia’s laid back culture indeed makes it a perfect place to relax and unwind with a good Coffee cup of java. 

If you’re a coffee addict, you belong to the list of people who drink more than a cup a day. Chances are, you have a fave cafe to get your quick caffeine fix when you’re out of the house. Just think of all the amount of disposable cups you’ve wasted through the years! Couple this with the waste of all the other coffee lovers like you, and you can just imagine how the landfill looks. Keep in mind that plastic takes a very long time to biodegrade, making you a contributor to pollution and degradation of the environment. Hence, it would be a wiser choice to use reusable coffee cups in Australia. Here’s why you need to ditch the disposable plastic lid and go for a reusable variant that’s kinder to mother earth.

Become a Good Steward of the Planet

Choosing a reusable coffee cup shows your concern for the world. For one, you won’t add up to the junk in the landfill, so you can enjoy your coffee in peace, knowing you’re no longer part of messing up the environment. Moreover, reusable cups are crafted out of recycled materials. Every time you use it, you indirectly save the planet as you help recycle. Instead of just leaving useless components laying around, you become a part of the mission that repurpose junk. Most of all, since your cup is washable, you can use it many times and help in reducing waste. Who doesn’t want cleaner and greener earth?

Enjoy Saving Money

When you purchase your coffee with disposable products, you actually pay for those materials. Remember, they are factored into the cost and you, as the consumer, are the one paying for them. Every time you throw them away, you waste your money. With reusable coffee cups in Australia, you nip this issue in the bud. Some cafes even give discounts to people who bring in their own mugs. With a reusable cup, you are also assured of durability and longevity. You can get your money’s worth as this non-toxic and BPA free cup can be chucked in the dishwasher for easy cleaning.

Offers the Best Temperature Control

Disposable coffee cups don’t control temperatures well. They burn your fingers as they are quite thin. Then, the heat escapes because they’re not insulated enough. As such, the warmth of your coffee dissipates immediately. In contrast, reusable coffee cups keep your drink warmer for longer. This means you can enjoy your steaming hot beverage even if it takes you a while to buy from the cafe and get to your office. This is not surprising as reusable coffee cups are crafted out of premium thermal materials that offer better temperature management. It protects your fingers while allowing your drink to stay hot for a long time. 

Assures Ultimate Convenience

Finally, it truly makes sense to ditch disposable coffee cups because these aren’t very user-friendly. Often, they come with a very loose lid that spills your drink. In contrast, a reusable cup comes with a spill-proof and super-tight lid that is fit to size. Hence, you can drink coffee on-the-go without any issues. Even when you are driving, you don’t have to worry about the lid popping off. This cup is also built specifically to fit in your car’s cup holders. Above all, the body comes with a comfortable grip design that assures your delicate fingers don’t get burned.