Morning Stress

9 Ways to Get Rid of Morning Stress and Love Getting Up Early

While the owls sleep sweetly in the morning, the larks take over the world and insidiously reconfigure it for themselves. The bad news is that if you’ve already been born with owl-like circadian rhythms, it

While the owls sleep sweetly in the morning, the larks take over the world and insidiously reconfigure it for themselves. The bad news is that if you’ve already been born with owl-like circadian rhythms, it will be difficult for you to wake up early in the morning. The good news is that there are some ways you can fight morning anxiety and stress easily. So let’s find out how you can fight morning stress and love getting up early.

Where Does Morning Anxiety Come From?

Do you wake up, and instead of joyful anticipation, you feel gloomy confidence that something bad is definitely going to happen today? Does anxiety wake up even before the alarm goes off? Most likely, it has to do with the stress hormone cortisol. 

Its peak occurs in the first 30-45 minutes after waking up. Besides, it is cortisol that helps us stay awake. So if the morning alarm rings with our internal clock, it is likely that our body produces just enough cortisol to wake up and get into work. 

If day after day, we are forced to wake up at a time when our circadian clock is deep at night, most likely, the level of stress will constantly increase. And sooner or later, this erupts with a feeling of anxiety, tension, and serious stress. The best advice, of course, is to stay calm.

How To Calm Morning Anxiety?

Morning can be a stressful time for many of us; however, we can get rid of morning anxiety by following some tips.

1.Have A Hearty Breakfast

Seriously, a hearty breakfast can really help. Typically, we have low blood sugar in the morning, and this condition, in turn, can cause anxiety, increased sweating, and even negative thoughts.

It is also beneficial to include foods rich in magnesium in your morning meal. This mineral is known to reduce anxiety and strengthen the nervous system. Nuts, especially almonds, cashews and hazelnuts, whole grains, and fish, are all high in magnesium and are great for breakfast.

2.Avoid Smoking

Smoking cigarettes right after you wake up is a very bad habit for your physical as well as mental health. People who smoke upon waking are at higher risk of developing lungs and oral cancer.

Besides, chronic nicotine use can cause anxiety and depression, which is the last thing you want in the morning. Thus, you should avoid smoking in the morning to have a cheerful day.

If you have a nicotine addiction, then after having your breakfast, you can vape.

As we all know, vaping is lesser harmful than tobacco cigarettes. Besides, there are a variety of e-liquid flavors available; you can try tobacco flavour e-liquids initially, which give you the same experience as cigarettes. Thus, all these factors make vaping safer for those who want to quit smoking.

3.Limit Caffeine

Caffeine can increase the symptoms of anxiety, and therefore people who are constantly under stress should completely abandon foods and drinks that contain it. Or they should at least significantly reduce the number of cups they drink per day. And remember that there is a lot of caffeine not only in coffee but also in tea, including green tea. So it is better to drink a glass of milk!

4.Do Your Exercises

A short sports warm-up is the best way to relieve stress, strengthen the nervous system, and reduce symptoms of anxiety. It’s great if you can do morning exercises outside or at least on the balcony. Morning sunlight is surprisingly beneficial for both physical and mental health. And also – it activates metabolism, so it will help burn calories you eat the whole day.

5.Walk To Work

A 10-minute brisk walk is enough to improve your mood and reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. Thus, if you do not have time for a morning walk, try walking to your office. And if your office is not nearby, walk some part of it; however, if you want to walk longer, who will forbid you.

6.Try Meditation

If you know how to meditate, then a five-minute session in the morning will be enough to relieve anxiety and stress; and welcome the new day fully armed. If you have not yet mastered this useful skill, then just try to relax for a few minutes, focus on breathing and imagine something as pleasant as possible. It can be an image of a loved one or an image of a forest, seashore, or forest lake. 

7.Avoid Reading The News

Your usual morning routine, like reading the news feed with your morning coffee, is extremely harmful. If your mental health is dear to you, give up both. Social networks and news portals are an additional source of stress (even if, surprisingly, they show pleasant news). Thus, you should not overload your nervous system in the morning and give up this habit.

8.Follow Your Usual Routine

The more predictable our life is, the lower the stress level. Even if we cannot influence global events in any way, we are quite capable of making our little world stable. Establish your own morning routine and try to keep it consistent. You will be surprised by how soothing it is and how relaxed you have become. 

9.Watch Your Sleep

The better our night’s sleep, the lower our stress levels in the morning and afternoon. If you have insomnia or you wake up at night and then cannot fall asleep, do not hesitate to see a doctor. Sleep disturbances are easier to correct in the early stages. 

If there are no serious violations, try to go to bed and get up at the same time, give up gadgets in the last hour before going to bed, sleep in a dark and cool bedroom. By following these rules, you will be calm and cheerful in the morning. 

Take Away

Morning is not the favorite time for many people; however, we still need to be active to carry out daily tasks efficiently. Therefore, we mentioned some effective tips that will help you start your morning right and also help you stay cheerful. So follow the tips and live healthily!