Night’s Sleep

Top 8 Tips To Help You Get A Restful Night’s Sleep

1. Exercise In The Evenings for Night’s Sleep Starting an exercise routine will not just help you shed off those extra pounds, it will also help sleep come easier once you go to bed. Exercising

1. Exercise In The Evenings for Night’s Sleep

Starting an exercise routine will not just help you shed off those extra pounds, it will also help sleep come easier once you go to bed. Exercising usually helps natural sleep hormones produced by the body such as melatonin work more effectively thus helping you sleep better. According to a study published in the Journal of Night’s Sleep, women who have already reached menopause who exercise at least three hours each week tend to have a better time finding sleep compared to those who exercise less often.

Through regular exercises help to promote better sleep, be careful on the times when you undertake your exercise regimens. If you exercise too close to your bedtime, your body may become too stimulated meaning that you will have a harder time sleeping. To enjoy a great day on waking up, consider carrying out exercises that expose you to early morning daylight. These types of exercises will help boost your natural circadian rhythm.

2. Use Your Bed For Bedroom Affairs ONLY

To ensure that you fall asleep as quickly as possible on going to bed, ensure that you use your bed in such a way that the body and mind get stimulated to wind down once you step into your bedroom. This means avoiding activities that can stimulate wakefulness such as watching late-night TV in bed or replying to your correspondences in bed. Ideally, you should only use your bed for sleeping and having sex.

3. Create The Right Bedroom Environment

If the ambiance in your bedroom is not ideal, you will likely have a hard time getting to sleep. To enjoy blissful slumber each night, try to ensure that your bedroom is quiet, dark, and cool. Invest in a good mattress, take a look at these Dormeo Octaspring ratings to help you choose the perfect mattress for you.

4. Consider Starting & Sticking To A Bedroom Ritual

As a child, the sleep rituals that you carried out with your parent such as listening to a bedtime story and getting tucked into bed helped sleep come more quickly. Even as an adult, upholding certain specific bedtime rituals can have a similar effect. Note that sleep rituals usually warn the mind and body that it is time to wind down. Some of the rituals you can start undertaking before going to bed include drinking a warm glass of milk, listening to calming tunes, or even taking a bath.

5. Eat Just The Right Amount Of Food

An empty or overly full belly can affect your sleep patterns. If you feel famished right before your bedtime, consider eating a healthy snack such as a whole-wheat cracker or an apple accompanied with a few slices of cheese – simple yet healthy snacks that will keep you full until it is breakfast time. For a great night’s sleep, you should also avoid eating a huge meal at least two hours before going to bed.

6. Don’t Consume Alcoholic Beverages Or Anything Containing Caffeine

Avoid alcoholic beverages before going to bed. Though alcohol may make you feel drowsy, it is a stimulant that can disrupt your sleep at night. If you feel like snacking before going to bed, avoid foods that contain caffeine – a strong stimulant – such as chocolate. You should also acidic foods such as citrus fruits as they can give you heartburn.

7. Try Calming Activities Before Going To Bed

With your mind free, it is easy for you to start overthinking things at night according to Paul Leongas. To enjoy a good night’s sleep, try and avoid stressful situations and thoughts before going to bed. Consider learning and undertaking activities that can lower your anxiety levels when going to bed such as deep breathing exercises. For example, you can inhale slow deep breaths and then exhale. Repeating this exercise several times can have a great calming effect on your body and mind thus helping you sleep better.

8. Visit A Doctor For Treatment If You Have Medical Complications

Some medical conditions such as restless leg syndrome, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), and sleep apnea can disrupt your sleep patterns greatly. If you suffer from either of these ailments, visit a doctor to get treatment so as to enjoy a better night’s sleep.