Fake Gucci Marmont Bag

Top Tips For Spotting a Fake Gucci Marmont Bag

One of the most famous handbags is a Gucci Marmont bag. It may look very expensive and chic, but you should not pay this much just to look beautiful or even to feel good about

One of the most famous handbags is a Gucci Marmont bag. It may look very expensive and chic, but you should not pay this much just to look beautiful or even to feel good about yourself. If you want to learn some top tips for spotting a fake Gucci Marmont bag, then you do not have to look far. Just open your eyes and take a good look at the things that should be in a fake bag. After reading these, you will be able to tell if the bag you are about to purchase is fake or not.

Ask the store owner or manager.

First, always ask the store owner or manager about the specific company that manufactured the bag you are buying. Ask him if they are still in business and, if so, how long they have been doing business with their customers. If the store owner does not know any company by that name, then you are definitely dealing with a fake bag.

Check the logo and the slogan of the bag.

Check the logo and the slogan on the fake bag. If the logo and slogan are clearly printed on the bag, then you are probably dealing with a replica. Again, this cannot be seen with your naked eye, so you have to inspect it further. For fake bags, the logo should be made of gold, silver, or platinum. Some fake bags also come with logos printed on cotton and other materials. If you see a logo with a nice font, the bag is most likely a replica.

Check the materials and stitching.

Always check the material of the genuine bag you are about to purchase. Are the patches made from cloth, or are they plastic? Are the threads evenly sized? Is the stitching on both sides uniformly even?  Although it cannot be seen, check the stitching and seams of the genuine bag and compare them with the fake bag. You may want to bring the bag to a tailor for a thorough inspection. 

While real Gucci bags use silk and cashmere, fake bags are made from vinyl, PVC, paper, leather, rubber, plastic, and other materials. When looking at Gucci replica bags, check carefully if the material is the same as the original. If it is not, then you know it is a fake bag.

Another thing you need to check is how thick the fake bag is. Check how thick it is by pulling it along with your hand. A real Gucci bag will not tug on your hand, unlike a replica. Also, if the bag is too thick, it means that it is not original, and the material must have been changed during the manufacturing process.

How about the zipper? A genuine Gucci bag has a zipper, while replicas do not. The zipper should be perfectly straight and in perfect order. Even if you cannot see the zipper, you can easily check for it by gently tugging on the bag. Check if the zipper is intact and functioning properly.

Consult an expert or research online

These are the basic things you should look for when purchasing a bag. If you do all these things and the bag turns out to be a fake, then you can safely assume that it is not the real thing. If you cannot see the logo and material, then you must ask an expert on how to spot a fake Gucci bag. They will probably tell you if the bag you are buying is a genuine one or not. The expert can also tell you what to look for when buying a genuine Gucci bag. Look at the handles – will they be straight and parallel or uneven? If the handles are uneven, then it is most likely not a genuine bag.

Finally, your last set of top tips for spotting a fake Gucci Marmont bag is to take your search online. There are many resources online that you can use to determine the age of the bag, as older bags tend to be more valuable. See this website and determine if the bag you are buying is a fake or a genuine one. You can even get very specific with the model number to find out if the bag is fake. These tips for spotting a fake Gucci bag are useful in the event that you are looking to purchase a bag on sale online.